Nola hitz egingo lukete hain gustuko ditugun komikietako pertsonaiek euskaraz balekite? Galdera horri erantzunez jaio zen LainoMehe. Euskarazko argitalpen munduan dagoen komiki eskasiari aurre egiteko ez bada ere, noizbehinka gure komikigile gogokoenen atal bat edo beste itzuli eta euskal irakurleekin partekatzeko.
2011ko martxoan eman genituen lehen urratsak, Dragoi Bola marrazki bizidunen ETBko euskarazko bertsioa, jatorrizko komikira egokituz. Bat zetorrela ikustean, lehenengo bost atalak transkribatu eta laino.me izeneko web orrian eseki genituen. Gure lagun artean arrakasta izan zuten arren, ez zitzaigun egokia iruditu egileen eskubiderik izan gabe aurrera jarraitzea. Era egokian argitaratzeko pausoak ematen ahalegindu ginen eta ordutik horretan diardugu, baina tamalez ez dugu arrakastarik izan oraindik.
2014ko azaroan, izenari eta logoari buelta bat gehiago eman genien eta laino.me izatetik LainoMehe izatera pasatu ginen, era berean, Frozeen komikiak argitaratzeko plataforma hartu genuen oinarritzat komikiak esekitzeko.
2020 urte amaiaeran, proiektua urte batzuk alde batera utzita eduki eta gero, ordurarte euskaratuta geneukan edukia berrantolatu eta 2021 urtetik aurrera hilero egile berri baten lana euskaraz aurkezteko asmoarekin ekin genion berriro.
Aldez aurretik, barkamena eskatu nahi diegu egile eta lanen eskubideen jabeei, ekimen hau ez bazaie egokia iruditzen. Egile bakoitzetik lan gutxi batzuk hartzea da gure ideia, erakusgai bezala jartzeko, egunen batean euskaraz argitaratuko diren komikiekin amesten jarraitzen dugun bitartean sikiera. Ez bazaizue ongi iruditzen, mesedez jakinarazi iezaguzue eta barka iezaguzue eragozpenak.
Besterik gabe, noizean noiz euskaratzen ditugun komikiak ez badituzu galdu nahi, harpidetu email bidez blog honetara eta jarrai gaitzazu facebook eta instagram-en.
LainoMehe-ren kideak.
What is LainoMehe?
How would the characters in our favorite comics talk if they spoke in Basque? LainoMehe was born in response to that question. If not to fight back the scarcity of comics in the Basque publishing scene, then to translate some chapters of our favorite authors and share them with basque readers.
We took the first steps in March 2011, adapting the basque version of Dragon Ball animation series that was broadcasted in the Basque TV to the original manga work. When we saw that they fit, we transcribed the first five chapters and posted them on a web we called: laino.me (light cloud). Although they were very successful in our circle of friends, it didn't seem good to us to keep on translating copyrighted content and even though we tried to find different ways of doing it correctly, we haven't found away to do it properly yet.
In November 2014, we refreshed our name and logo and went from laino.me to LainoMehe. We also got established in Frozeen comic publishing platform.
At the end of 2020, after having put aside the project for a couple of years, we reorganized the material that we already had translated to date and we reboot the website with the goal of presenting a new author every month.
Finally, we want to apologize to the authors and owners of the copyrights of the comics if this initiative seems wrong to them. The idea was to take a few works from each author, to have a sample of how they would look in basque, while we continue dreaming with a utopian Basque comic publishing scene. If this doesn't seem right to you, please get in touch with us and accept our apologies for the inconveniences.
Without further ado, if you don't want to miss the comics that we'll be translating from time to time, subscribe via email to this blog and follow us on facebook and instagram.
LainoMehe members.